Sunday, February 26, 2012


We all have angels.  They come in forms.  Beings, moments, things, persons.  Angels.
Today my angel was there when I awoke.  He sat there as I purged thought and consciousness.  He listened.  He handed me tissues.  He forced a hug.  He was there hours later as I purged material possessions.  He held bags open as I threw that which no longer held meaning.  He.  Was.  There.
As I sat there releasing moments of my life encapsulated in material objects he kept reminding me that I was beautiful.  It was impossible to hear.  I have been perseverating as of late on who I am.  I have no sense of the now.  I want the version of me back that was before him.  I keep digressing.


I want  to offer something good.  I wish I was deserving.  I can only add NorthFace to the fire and hope the flames burn him away. 



lesmurph said...

:( love you! you can never be who you were before because that would mean that you have not learned or grown but hopefully you will be a better, more knowledgeable, happier you. xoxo

Tarah said...

<3 xo