Sunday, March 25, 2012


It’s important for me to write a bit about these chapters.  Explain them.  I’ve been receiving lots of questions and I’ve even been questioning myself so here goes some explaining.
First and foremost, why am I doing this?  Well, for two reasons.  1.  Because if you are an outsider (and even an insider), it truly is a good story.  A fucked up story but a good one none the less.  2.  It’s a release for me.  This story was in fact my life.  This story has made me who I am. It is still making me who I am as I continually learn from it. So I consider this a new form of therapy.  I feel that another story can’t welcome itself in until I finally let this one out.  It’s coveted me for far too long.  The difficulty is in that I’ve begun a process that is resurfacing significant emotions for me – none of which I have any pride in – and it’s been as of late, emotionally spiraling to remember it all.  But, it’s a process, not an event and so my current state is part of the process I’ve grown accustomed to accepting.  I’ve been trained well by John. 
People have asked me if it’s all true - (a lot of inquiries re: the elevator scene).  Yes, it’s all true.  However, it’s my version of the story and all that I remember and/or the bits I care to tell.  He has his own.  Timelines etc. and sequences of events may be skewed as I extract the most poignant bits that express it and ‘us’ most effectively.  What you have to understand is that this story transcended the better part of a decade so there’s a lot to tell.  The first 3 years is my current focus now, ‘Book 1’ so to speak. 
There is a lot that I won’t tell.  Some secrets are best left in closets.  And although 50 Shades of Mommy Porn is the current trend, I can’t quite go that route yet.  Descriptive details of my intimate life are sacred to me and likely will remain that way. 
Why have I chosen to change every name except my own?  Because it’s my story and right now it doesn’t feel natural to have my memory speak to me as someone else.  I’ve changed everyone else’s name because it’s been easier for me that way - except John.  His name is real as well.  I couldn't see him as any other way. There are so many more people to this story – will I be able to add them all in?  Perhaps.  ‘He’ will never have a name.  Those in my personal life know it.  Those who aren’t, never will. 
What I’m struggling with, as this is a new form of writing for me is the detail.  These ‘Chapters’ as I’m calling them are just brief synopses.  I’m trying to get the memories down and if I’m so compelled and if it evolves into something worth doing anything with, I will explain things with much greater detail.  For now, I’m keeping things high and tight however it frustrates me to not explain things at length, as I would like.  I’m just sort of writing at mock speed in an unconscious fury to release it from myself so I can’t go deeper.  Yet.
Most importantly, the detail of Quinn and the magnitude of his presence I’ve yet to be able to articulate.  He was, and still remains the hero of this story, of my story, of my life.  I want him to be yours as well.  He deserves that.  You will start to see him appear more and more.  I hope I can do him justice. 
I’ve done a lot of insane things in my life.  This to me, is by far the craziest.  Literally, through my writing I am standing raw and naked in front of my friends, family, and strangers.  It’s not easy.  It’s frightening.  But, if it gets me to the other side of the tunnel I’ve been standing in then it’s all worth it, right? 
I may just suddenly stop one day and if I do, that just means that the story is done for me.  I’ve said enough, something else has made it’s way in and that its time for me to face the sunlight again.  Until then, as always, thanks for listening. 
Much gratitude. 

1 comment:

Tarah said...

Thanks - that means a lot! I'm in a very good place now! All is well. This is just the last part of the healing process.