Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Seem to write these days. Thoughts float. They come in. They go out. Nothing ties together to make any sense. I go in. I go out.

It was 5 degrees driving home tonight. That's all I got.

Sometimes, I presume it's ok to be a blank canvas. Perhaps my spirit sits in waiting for the next bit of amazing to arrive.

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pre-sunrise rambles....

Can't sleep. Dry heat. Coarse air. Dreams requiring more analysis than one mind can offer. So I stare into the light of a computer screen.

In my dream (one part of the series of many bits), I am standing at the edge of water. I just keep repeating, "It's too deep to cross right now, the tide is too high. I can go around it, or wait. I think I should wait." If I was to get all analytical on myself, I think it's about slowing down...taking more time. Pacing this process. I've had such a surge of adrenaline like excitement to dive back into my life, I negated that I still have much work to do on the self. This weekend went by with a fuzzy blur of running this way and that - which was deliriously wonderful in it's own right, however I'm easily distracted. I promised myself not to distract myself from myself this time. Do it right once and for all.

I have today. I want today to be for me. A long walk on the beach, a lazy breakfast, some OCD-ing of my house, making soup, reading a book, drinking tea...the things that bring me peace and slow me down.

Baby steps Tarah, baby steps. It's wonderful to feel a sense of energy and freedom, but that doesn't negate the strong need to be gentle with myself. I don't want to jump too far ahead - so much so that I miss a step and falter.

Make sense?

Thanks for listening. I'm going to go back to sleep now. Shhhhh.....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Random thoughts while getting my car fixed...

I haven’t written in awhile. Surprising because of the myriad amount of thoughts that stampede around my head on a daily basis. Wait, I retract, I did write this whole 2008 wrap up piece but it was all slimed up with cheeze so I opted not to share.

I’m sitting at the car dealership while they fix my putt putt up – they have no wireless so I figured why not do some purging? Maybe it will help me to focus on something else besides hacking up a lung all over the place. I’m sick. Again. What else is new? If my state of being could be measured by my health these days – or more so over the past year, well, that would say enough.

I’m in this ‘transitionary’ place – where I have been for a while I guess. There is a kind of solace about it all. I’m not overwhelmingly giddy about anything but I’m also not overwhelmingly depressed about anything either. I just am. I know that I am secluding myself from all things that I see as a negative impact on my spirit. For now, that’s enough. I believe I have been ‘privatizing’ my thoughts a lot more. I don’t feel the need to share where my life, or me, is at with most. Because it just is what it is and it is mine.

In some ways, I guess I’ve just sort of given up on a lot of things and people. Not in a woe is me sad sort of sense but in a realistic ‘weeding my garden’ way. Life is short. If I’m not getting what I’m giving, well, then I’m not going to give anymore. Easy peas.

My sister and I were driving last night and we talked about my life long search for ‘the one’ – I’ve given up on that too. On many levels I’ve had many ‘ones’ and at the end of the day I don’t believe that the perfect ‘one’ exists. You work with what you have. If you have a few key elements such as passion, forgiveness, loyalty and humor – well, the rest you can figure out along the way. Or so I tell myself. It’s sort of like giving up the belief in Santa Claus. Soul-mate Santa. Ha. It’s fun when your young but doesn’t work so well when you’re an aging soul like myself - and I guess I’ve stayed young for a bit too long.

I just think too much. I think I’m done thinking. I just want to live. Be simple. Be good and surround myself with those that want and believe in the same. For now, that’s enough. I think.